this is our small recruitment centre for talented hungarian sceners. all the jobs listed here were contributed by the supporters of demoscene.hu. if you feel you're good enough, don't miss these opportunities!
2007-08-30, Thursday |
Job offer
We are looking for Java EE developers, talented beginners are welcome, part-time work possible. Ask me for the details
posted by:hhc |
2007-06-12, Tuesday |
152 clicks
(since 13:52)
Java fejlesztő
banki tapasztalat, német nyelv előny de nem feltétel
elbeszélgetésre, tesztre tessék számítani
várható kezdés július 2.
posted by:elChY |
2007-02-27, Tuesday |
PHP, JAVA programozás.
198 clicks
(since 16:21)
PHP, JAVA programozót keresünk otthon végezhető munkára. more »
posted by:Brian |
2007-01-11, Thursday |
Programozói állás Angliában | Sürgős!
236 clicks
(since 18:43)
Feladat: Csapat által fejlesztett komplett rendszer részeként póker játék írása PC-re. more »
posted by:Poison |
2006-03-28, Tuesday |
Help make a better browser!
191 clicks
(since 13:34)
Opera Software is looking for skilled coders and QA people! more »
posted by:yitzhaq |
2005-11-30, Wednesday |
IT Line Ltd. is looking for Java programer!
80 clicks
(since 19:40)
We are looking for Java developers (beginners are also welcome, outsorcing is acceptable) in a hurry for portal developing.
- knowledge of JSR-168 standard
- knowledge of JSF/Struts
- knowledge of UML tools
- knowledge of professional portal systems, like Bea, IBM WebSphere, Oracle portals.
If you are interested, please send us your CV to info@itl.hu !
posted by:d-lee |
2005-11-11, Friday |
New developer studio is looking for developers for their new projects.
The following positions are open at the moment:
- programmer
- graphic artist
- designer
- tester
If you are interested in any of the above - mentioned jobs, please send your application to:
posted by:newco |
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