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group:The Black Lotus
party and ranking:1st at Wired '97 64k intro compo
subjective rank: [5 out of 6]
size:251 kb (Windows version)
download: - jizz32.exe search @ scene.org (slow)
- jizz32.exe @ scene.org (using google, faster)
- pouet.net search

Well, you might say that these guys are some kinds of wizards. They actually manage to squeeze a demo of several megabytes down to 64k, and that is quite an extreme compression ratio. Of course they are using texture generators to make the textures on runtime and a softsynth for the music, but this was the first time I've ever seen it. As for the intro itself, it is quite good, although not something groundbreaking that you might expect from such guys as TBL. The music by Probe, is a bit too special for my tastes, further, the textures are in my opinion downright ugly, because the use of many ugly colors that don't fit well together, just because they CAN do 16 bits colors (see screenshot 1). It has some killer metaballs though!

2 votes 1 2 3 4 5 6
music 666666
overall 55555

should you have anything else to say about this stuff...
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23:36:kihaltunk, de mégse!
15:43:Kihaltunk, de még nem teljesen :)
15:46:Basszus, most nézem milyen népszerő a www. thewhit esocks. com
15:47:www. thewhit esocks. com
15:47:Ugynei az első a downloads szekcióban, érdekes :)
16:02:http: / / plastik. hu/ 2010/ 07/ 23/ swedish- chiptune- organ- sounds- a
1:45:Durva, megtaláltam a 15 évvel ezelőtti számaimat neten! :)
1:47:Trajic, a tieid is ott vannak! 8D (belinkeltem - useroldal)

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